The people who post all the crap about how crap linux are people who have used windows and have not read a manual to help them understand what you have to do to make stuff happen in linux.
They are just ignorent....

On 09/02/07, stuart bell <> wrote:
On 09/02/07, Kevanf1 <> wrote:
> This article is sure to raise the hackles of a lot of Linux users.
> But, do as I did and read it through then think about what has been
> said.  I agree with probably 75% of the article.  What I do not agree
> with is the last bit about software being difficult to install.  It
> certainly used to be, but not anymore in my experience.  In fact, if
> anybody has every had problems with getting an external hard drive to
> run in Windows (the manufacturer states that he drivers are built in
> with Win2k and XP) you'll appreciate just how good Linux drivers now
> are.
  Modern distros ( I use PCLinux as my main OS) are point 'n' click.
Download progs with synaptic/apt-get or Freespire's click'n'run. Ulteo
promises an automatic update system when the final is released. We've
all got 3D desktops before Vista hit the shops. BUT when I upgraded my
video card the first job was to boot XP to check it works, then you go
back to Linux and start sorting out drivers. This will be a problem
until the hardware manufacturers supply firmware for Linux and then we
can have a Win-type Hardware installer wizard.
"found new hardware" click click and it's running.
We've all had to do the command line boogie at some time. For the
know-nothings like me this can be very frustrating "sh*t why won't it
work now?" "oh, that should have been a lower case letter" "what does
it mean? - permissions" "it's my bl**dy computer!"
When it finally all works it's very rewarding, so we try another
distro and start over again.
At the moment there's nothing to discuss. Computer sales in the high
street will run M$oft products for the foreseeable future.
How many Linux users are there who don't have a partition holding a copy of Win?
Using Ffox 2 on PCLinuxOS .94/2007 test release.
Registered Linux Mangler #001

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        Kris Douglas
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