
On 01/01/07, Kris Douglas <webbox.uk@gmail.com> wrote:
 Ok, just one problem...i tried to install FC6 on a 15GB partition and it shouted at me and told me that there was not enough space on /
And also, is there any way to merge partitions in windows or on live cd...cause the hard drive on this is in a bit of a mess... there are about 5 partitions and they are all messy...i am thinking of starting again but this windows partition is sortof important...cause it has everything on it...and i cba to back it all up.
So any ideas? Please?
On 01/01/07, Dick Turpin < highwayman.turpin@gmail.com> wrote:
On 01/01/07, Kris Douglas < webbox.uk@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know that at the meeting...Dave had FC6 on his laptop...I'm not sure if it
> was an out of the box job though...

Go ahead (If you haven't already) and stick FC6 on alternatively
CentOS http://www.centos.org I've no experience of Duo but a fair bit
with Fedora. Feel free to ask me for help if I can I will.

Competitive rates, cash up front nothing to pay fro twelve months ;-)

Dick Turpin
"Stand and deliver!"

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        Kris Douglas
Mail: kris@softdel.net
Linux User: #436770 - www.counter.li.org

        Kris Douglas
Mail: kris@softdel.net
Linux User: #436770 - www.counter.li.org