On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 20:18 +0100, Jonathan Marriott wrote:
Hey guys,
Next time we have a LUG meeting in the pub, please remember not to
talk about anything apart from Linux.
Greetings to all,
P.s Linux isn't GNU, Ubuntu, a divine gift from the Beer God and is
definitely, certainly nothing to do with Twitter, Jack Daniels or that
sharply-suited man standing in the corner watching you through really
dark shades. Please be sure to avoid all these items when choosing
your topic of discussion, which must be Linux.
Congratulations on your successful, pointless trolling. I wonder why
Jack Daniels came to mind?
Meechu, I offer hosting services and I'd be happy to ship in
from the Ganges to fill your cooling system with. Prices start at
$655,000/month (that's a comma, not a point) for one dedicated server,
which might seem a lot but I'll be able to do a much better price on
subsequent machines as it's just the water import which is really
going to cost a lot. You might be better off getting a Priest to bless
some tap water.
And congratulations on successfully taking the piss. At least I (and
Kevan) can maintain a polite reply.