Hi All,

I have installed Ubuntu 9.04, this was done as a fresh install as the Upgrade process messed up Gnome, I managed to rescue my files though.

The only other problem I had was that my Graphics cards proprietary driver was not found straight away, however after opening system -> adminstration -> Hardware Drivers and it showing nothing then rebooting it magically appeared :-)

Everything else went smoothly. Wireless worked with no messing. I install the build essential and ubuntu restricted extras no probs and apache with mod php mysql and python for all worked fine.

I say give it a go but probably best 2 dual boot like kevan mentioned.

On May 4, 2009 2:27 PM, "Kevanf1" <kevanf1@gmail.com> wrote:

2009/5/4 dave <dave@staffslug.org.uk>:

> Hello one and all. > > I've currently got Debian 5.0 installed and working with the wireless > (ye...

I had a very early version Deb 5 running months and months ago.  It
was fine back then but I cannot be doing with that Ice Weasel thing
instead of Firefox.  I know they are the same thing but it jsut bugs
me.  However, Deb 5 = great distro.

Ubuntu 9.04 ..... I have heard a few people mention some broken bits.
Nothing that somebody competent can't put right but broken
nevertheless :-(  They shouldn't be but no, I can't remember what they
were, sorry.

So, what would I do?  Dual boot.  Run Ubuntu for a while to make sure
it works for me and then, 'if' I was happy with it I'd have to make
the decision of which distro to keep and which to ditch :-)


Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362

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