Hi all,
The few of us that managed to make it to the meeting earlier this
evening (well, a lot earlier) had a good natter.. It was good to see
everyone again. Those of you that didn't attend, shame on you! (I jest!
I hope your plumbing emergency was suitably tackled, Dave. :))
Unfortunately we weren't organised enough with any official matters, so
I suppose they will need to wait until next time. Speaking of which, we
do need to sort out the next meeting date. Preliminarily, how does
Monday the 13th of April sound? Being that it's just the 2nd Monday of
the month. :)
Again, good to see you all this evening. :)
Annoyingly I missed this one as I was working until 7 in Warrington. Fingers crossed I can
make the next one though :-)
Is there a google calendar set up now? I couldn't spot it on the website :(