2009/2/4 Dave <dave@staffslug.org.uk>

ii. Any number of people to say what they feel they have strengths in,
which we could put up on the site, so we can have our Guru's (or as near
as!) on stuff

Important to capture all skills and experience of LUG members wanting to contribute. Not just technical ones either.

iii. If we *should* have a forum have x number of people to look over the
board (I have to say, that I do find them easier to use if looking for
help info etc, but that's just my opinion, but mailing list are excellent

Yes, volunteers to have responsibility for the various technical elements.

I would not suggest a structure at this stage but I do have ideas for one if our aims and objectives are what I hope they are.

I.E. IF we decide that our aims are aspirational; perhaps promoting Linux and FOSS within the county for example rather than solely an open social group then a structure is appropriate. I suggest forming an elected committee of between 7 and 12 volunteers with officers (chair, secretary, treasurer) elected from nominated committee members. The committee coild then develop a constitution, mission, roles and responsibilities etc etc. All properly minuted with good governance.
