Tom Hill wrote:
>> One question folks have is "Where can I go for some
linux advice and/or
>> help installing my first box" - well the answer is ME! If they are
>> commercial I will charge, if they are hobbyists I won't.
TH: Well, really, the answer is 'us'. Which I thought was one of the
points about having a LUG. ;)
I wasn't aware it was a medium for pimping your own services...
always uneasy when any Lug advertises outlets on their websites
for example as many of you know I work for an IT solutions provider,
heck I'll sell you a Linux machine if you like?
So if my company was listed on the 'Site' that would beg two potential
questions from surfers;
1. "Is that company paying them some sort of advertising fee?"
2. "Ah that's why the adds there 'such and such member' works for that
company (Or its their brother, uncle, aunt sisters shop etc.)
I'd far rather see something along the lines of;
"Many of our members work for or have experience of outlets for
Linux/OpenSource equipment and services, why not join our mailing list
and ask them?"
With maybe a hyper link on the 'ask them' pointing to 'join' that would
give two benefits to the Lug;
1. We would have done our bit in so far as offering advice.
2. Possibly increase the membership.
Obviously any deals would then be done Off-List and true its a sort of
blackmail to join the list but its a small price to pay and maybe they
might turn out to be a valuable contributor?
As it stands (With my Capitalist hat on) 'My Linux Equipment.Example'
gets loads of directs to their website, hopefully gets some business and
we get? nought I reckon.
Just my opinion from a wealth of Sales/Marketing experience. :-)