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From: Eugene Quinn <eug.quinn(a)gmail.com>
Date: 22 September 2010 12:06
Subject: Asus eee tablet (may be renamed to eeeNote) October 2010 (UK ?)
To: staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
I've only just seen this but it seems to hit a sweet spot for the type of
device i've been waiting / looking for a safety questionnaire project.
That involves reading questions and ticking check box's followed with a
signature at the end of the questionnaire thats linked through Wifi to a
online db server
Asus also seem to be back in the Linux camp, I thought they had completely
sold out.
Pros -
- e Ink type screen
- Full touchscreen !
- 10 hours charge !
- Pages refresh instantly
- 8 inch so holdable in one hand
- £300 so relatively cheap compared to ITablet type devices.
- Probably has Xandros on it but this means it will soon have other
distros available for it.
- Monochrome LCD, 16 shades of grey
- Wifi
Cons -
- Monochrome LCD
- Will need a rugged version / protector case for the environments
its going to work in.
Can Asus do it again, set the standard for a whole new device format as they
did with the netbook before MS corrupted them.