We keep getting more users stumbling onto the site, which is a great
thing (it's at what 70 odd now?).. So lets get a meet setup - I'm
thinking social in a bar/pub, then again we could go the formal &
social route if anyone knows a place to do presentations (then the bar
after to do some thinking or...drinking)? Throw some suggestions back
and we can set it for mid-march 18-19 time or so, which will give a
good 3 weeks for the calendar. Reply with ideas for style, times,
venues.. or suggestions for topics? i.e. Linux on laptops? Linux and
wireless? Linux and the next 10 years?..The direction of server
software development for the mobile generation? Or reply if you think
I'm a fool who should shutup also ;-)
It'd be good to get some more events/reviews onto the site. Anyway,
it's down to you guys.. to decide what, where.. if the time is
Thank You
Andrew J. Edwards