On 20/06/07, Kris Douglas <webbox.uk@gmail.com> wrote:

Dell- Bastards, i trusted them and look what they're doing now, just cause their dumb techs cant use a frigging terminal!

What? Was I correct about the Dell survey??

I said it was all hype didn't I but would anyone listen to me? All Dell was interested in was a Market Survey.

Adding Ubuntu to the list of OS supplied was no skin off their nose but what is interesting is the way they've done it. By refusing (apparently) to sell it to business and not providing support for it they are IMO saying two things.
1. To businesses "Look its just not trustworthy enough for you guys that's why we don't provide support with for it".
2. To home users "Your on your own mate".

I wonder if they try and put home users off buying a box with Ubuntu and more importantly if they don't offer support and the box becomes faulty will they blame Ubuntu and therefore refuse to fix it under the warranty?

"Its all done with smoke and mirrors I tell ya"

PS Kris ArchLinux has loads of BSD derived features (Just a little plug there)


Dick Turpin

Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release System packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a snapshot to the stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a fresh install the command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.