He's right. I have never had to do that because all my mail is stored on a server, so I only use Thunderbird/ Evo for reading stuff on the go.

On 21/07/07, Joe Zambon <joe.zambon@jznet.org.uk> wrote:
On Sat, 2007-07-21 at 09:27 +0100, Chris Snow wrote:
> To export messages from an Evolution folder:
>       * Open the folder in Evolution.
>       * Select Edit | Select All from the men.r
>       * Now select File | Save As... from the menu.
>       * Choose the location and file name where you want to save your
>         emails.
>               * You can give the file a .mbx extension so it's clear
>                 that it is a mbox file.
>       * Click OK.
> On 21/07/07, Joe Zambon <joe.zambon@jznet.org.uk> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I've recently found that evolution is missing the most basic
>         feature...a
>         mailstore export feature.  Surely if MS Outlook has it, i
>         think
>         thunderbird does aswell then novell or whoever devs it these
>         days, could
>         build it into evolution!
>         There's something you can do to select all the messages in a
>         folder and
>         then go save as .mbx, but you're a bit stuck if you've got
>         lots of
>         folders in your inbox!
>         Any suggestions for a good all round mail client?
>         Joedetic
>         --
>         Fix it 'till it's broke!
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As I said, that's all very well and good, and I've seen the website that
says that but you're stuffed if you want to export your whole file
structure because that only allows your to export messages not sub
folders with messages and your filters etc.

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