Stepping on toes eh.. Ill have none of that here
Fear not, I run a democracy, just as long as I have the majority vote :o)
To my knowledge, the structure has been a bit fluid and the group was
formed way back just after the last ice age by Mark and myself, so theres
never really been an agenda as such.
From current postings Im seeing that people want more structure and
formality, is this correct?
Again, dont worry about toes, Im just getting ready to release the
hounds now.......
I see, thanks. I need to meet you guys and brush up on my Staffs LUG
history! Perhaps an article on the web site is in order.
If there were to be any events that required expenditure then it might be
useful to have LUG funds and have them properly administered.
That's maybe for the future; I would have thought that an install fest
be done with donated facilities etc.
2009/1/26 Andrew Edwards <andrew(a)>
> > Perhaps an agenda point for thr next LUG meeting. Is there a formal
> > committee etc?
> >
> i think the reason there isn't is because nobody wants to take a punt
> and make one at the risk of stepping on our faithful founder (yes, you
> dave) 's toes!
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