In theory that would really only stop you accessing other networks in
the same /16 as you..
Can you ping your default gateway? Do you have an arp entry for it?
Can you ping a random host on the internet that you know responds?
If all that works - can you resolve hostnames?
Are you using a cable router which may limit service to a specific
ethernet card.?
On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 01:12:45PM +0000, Kevanf1 wrote:
.....has just got even more puzzling. I've tried the Ubuntu 7.04
CD on another PC (the Kubuntu one) and internet is fully working. No
problems at all. Correct sub net mask and everything.
So, any ideas? I'm all ears... The built in network card works fine
otherwise by the way...that is, with XP running from a hard drive.
No virus was found in this outgoing message as I didn't bother looking.