On 08/11/2007, adam nicholls <inkysplat@gmail.com> wrote:
On 08/11/2007, Kris Douglas <kris@softdel.co.uk> wrote:
> I have been thinking a bit, and I have come up with somewhat of an idea. I
> just want some input from you guys, and gals.
> I was thinking about an open source web hosting project, where we run a
> donations/ low cost based web hosting service that can benefit the Linux
> community, where the money received goes to a Linux project or a charity, or
> something like that.
> The basis of the idea is to get everyone involved in providing things like
> hardware to host a machine with a web hosting system on it. So people can
> have their own website on a sub domain for next to no money. Now, I've
> posted this on the Ubuntu UK thread, as well as my local LUG's to get ideas
> and input, and maybe use Ubuntu as the drive behind the project.
> I don't know, any input from people would be handy, I'm definitely willing
> to put some of my little free time to good use, I have machines, and a
> decent connection, but it stops about there.
> Finally, what makes this idea different from any of those other hosting
> services out there? Basically, the fact that it's going to be actually
> providing some kind of good to a Community or Charity.
> So yeah, ideas? Anyone?
> --
> Kris Douglas
>       Softdel Limited Hosting Services
>       Web: www.softdel.net
>       Mail: kris@softdel.net
> _______________________________________________
> Staffslug mailing list
> Staffslug@staffslug.org.uk
> http://lists.staffslug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/staffslug

Hmm I had thought about this before, the main problem would be
bandwidth cost?  Which led me to think about maybe building a
Peer-to-Peer Web Server, but not sure if this would solve the problem.
-- and I'm not a confident enough programmer to start that project up!

On the otherhand isn't Open Source Webhosting done by SourceForge?
Which is corperately sponsored and can afford some real heavy server

Though saying that, if people like the LugRadio gang can get hosting
from Bytemark(?) then surely it might be possible for us to get
hosting for community websites, I think sponsorship is probabily gonna
be better than donations in this situation, who knows is
Redhat/Novell/Canonical have some spare cash?

I seem to have gone round in circles in this post... there is many
things to mull over.

Good Luck to you, and I'd love to help if anything ever gets moving.

Adam Nicholls

Staffslug mailing list

Bandwidth is not an issue for me... and sponsorship sounds like a nice idea, actually...

Kris Douglas
      Softdel Limited Hosting Services

      Web: www.softdel.net
      Mail: kris@softdel.net