Pretty cool Wolves-Lug meeting
by ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin
Hi All
This post is really for the South Staffs guys but both Lug's might be
At the last minute, about 6.00pm, last night I discovered I had a "Get
out of jail free" pass and headed off to the Wolves-Lug (Wolverhampton
Linux User Group) meeting.
Everyone was shocked to see me as I arrived unannounced and scurried
off to hide wallets, purses and Christmas wish lists. I made a mistake
in that I did not bring my Laptop along as the meeting evolved into a
quasi 'show an tell' which was pretty cool IMO.
Chris Procter and I had an interesting chat off the back of the latest
LugRadio podcast about Distro comparisons, using 'what you are used
too' and personal preferences e.g. KDE or Gnome browsers applications
Alex Willmer had a Fujitsu Amelio laptop with a broken screen which he
was giving away, he was installing Ubuntu by using an external screen
and I took great delight in scaring the life out of him by pretending
the install had frozen, crashed and generally fecked up. :-)
Adam Sweet gave away a supposedly (I've seen a mail this morning
saying that it actually works) broken strawberry G3 iMac which was fun
to watch four grown men spend 20 minutes taking it apart only to
discover the replacement hard drive had been left at home. Lol
As was to be expected I was surrounded by a sea of *The Brown Distro*
which was another reason for me to regret not bring the one true faith
of ArchLinux to this heathen coven I found myself in.
Typically just as I was thinking of leaving Ron turned up, Ron and I
have a mutual interest in all things 'Database' especially SugarCRM,
ACT and so forth, but low did Ron have something far more interesting
on his Laptop! The swine is running Nagios I've
tried three times to get a fully functional version running and
failed. Installing is easy, getting it to, well, run is easy getting
it to actually do something can be pretty painful its all about
configuration files, as Ron said if you can get one to work your
Ron appeared to be monitoring three quarters of the UK with his set up
we all huddled round in a semi circle while he took us on a whirl wind
ride round the West Midlands from server to server, firewalls, routers
and and mysql machines.
I really wanted to stay longer but had to go as it was way past my bed time.
My thanks to Dave Morely for a pretty cool meeting, as I said if its
at your place in two weeks I'll come along.
Dick Turpin
Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for
intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release
System packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a
snapshot to the stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a
fresh install the command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.