Linux and Wi-Fi
Hello one and all.
A question for you, which would you consider the distro to be Wi-Fi
Friendly? (I.e. not too much of a pain to get things up and running)..
If I remember correctly, I've got a Broadcom and Belkin Wi-Fi adapters..
Thank you
16 years, 5 months
IRC Server.
by Kris Douglas
Hey guys, I noticed Andrew setup an IRC channel for staffslug, and I
never saw anything on the list about it:
"Ok, given that i have an irc server already running, i thought it
might help the LUG get a bit more active by giving it a "live" aspect
about it - so we don't have to post to the lists (useful as they are)
to talk to people.
I've added a channel on my network #staffslug
to connect use irssi/xchat2/BitchX etc, connect to : and /join #staffslug
There is ssl access (for those crypto freaks ;) ) port (+)6697
drop by and idle/chat anytime (at a godly hour? :p )
Kris Douglas
Softdel Limited Hosting Services
Mail: kris(a)
Company No. 6135915
Registered in England and Wales
16 years, 6 months