is it just me or do i not find that last message from steve
surprising and the build up to it. i've not been a member > long and well lets
just say its good i find all your antics amusing as oppose to getting annoyed by them.
if i really wanted a community of people round staffs to chat linux with n meet etc...
well i'd be gutted, seeing as > i'm not all that bothered and see the real
community being online anyway it doesn't make a difference to me.
it just seems you all get so easily bothered by things and are so preoccupied with all
these silly little details, but > then suggest things like an installFest.
the irc meeting idea was suggested a while ago, and a few other people said they were up
for it, but noone actually > wanted to just say yes and do it, instead we get all
these mad little opinions of the postives/negatives of irc or the > forum and everyone
has their niggly little opinions about them all.
True.. but I think this is something that the list members can change. Over the last few
days there has been more activity on the irc channel ( #staffslug) and we
have a meet arranged for Monday 9th at the wetherspoons in Stafford. It'd be cool if
you could make it too?