haha. Thanks for the tutorial, i shall get on Kopete tomorrow when i
am not half asleep.
On 30/11/06, Dick Turpin <highwayman.turpin(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On 30/11/06, Kris Douglas <webbox.uk(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> now you tell me. i just downloaded 10.1 again!
> never mind, can you give me a few hours to get this set up :)
Not a problem I've sent you a 'chat' invite if you have that (Gaim,
Kopete etc) it might be quicker.
You'll need this so download it once SuSE is up and running;
Here is the instructions for installing VMware 5.0 workstation on SUSE
Linux 10.0
(Don't panic we will use these instructions for 10.1)
When you get to item 6 that's when you'll need the
any-any-update10.1.tar.gz The instructions and download link on the
instructions are for 10.0 so you'll need to use your brain in that you
will have 10.1
I will stay on line for another 10 mins then I'll be back on around
9.20pm (But I might check in between now and then I wont leave you in
the lerch, trust me I'm a salesman :-)
Dick Turpin
"Stand and deliver!"
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Kris Douglas
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Mail: kris(a)softdel.net