is it just me or do i not find that last message from steve surprising and the build up to
it. i've not been a member long and well lets just say its good i find all your antics
amusing as oppose to getting annoyed by them.
if i really wanted a community of people round staffs to chat linux with n meet etc...
well i'd be gutted, seeing as i'm not all that bothered and see the real community
being online anyway it doesn't make a difference to me.
it just seems you all get so easily bothered by things and are so preoccupied with all
these silly little details, but then suggest things like an installFest.
the irc meeting idea was suggested a while ago, and a few other people said they were up
for it, but noone actually wanted to just say yes and do it, instead we get all these mad
little opinions of the postives/negatives of irc or the forum and everyone has their
niggly little opinions about them all.
i hope you can get it together, be sad if it just carried on being like that, but seems
everyone is very set in their ways+attitudes