Try visiting "One Stop Computers Ltd", phone 01782-847208,, 173-175 London Road, Stoke-On-Trent,
ST4 5RW. (Parking opposite. And I don't have any personal connection with
I bought one of their economy AMD models 18 months ago, and it works fine.
When I installed a CD/DVD Writer I found the insides were incredibly neat,
though they seem to have had trouble getting the cheap casing to fit
They happily sold the machine without Windows. BSD and Linux mostly installed
okay. I found The only real problem came with Slackware, which at that time
couldn't recognise the SATA Hard Disk. Possibly other distros might not
recognise the Shared-Memory Video, which only functions as Standard VESA.
I needed to grasp the mysteries of Hard Disk Configuration, with its
fictitious Cylinders, Heads & Sectors. Otherwise I had no difficulty
installing FreeBSD, NetBSD, Debian and OpenSUSE. The 64-bit versions of
FreeBSD and OpenSUSE had issues. Personally I don't believe this was a
Hardware Problem, though it may be a feature of AMD Sempron machines.
"One Stop" build their own designs, and probably want you to pay in advance.
But they know about Linux, and they have a large stock of extra bits. Their
Parts Catalogue is online as a PDF, though their current Systems Catalogue
doesn't seem to exist just now.
Faictz Ce Que Vouldras: Frank Mitchell
On Friday 11 April 2008 23:19:25 Steven Maddox (Cyorxamp) wrote:
Lo Folks,
Basically I'm after yet another PC, only this time I can't be bothered
upgrading incrementally or the time to build it myself.
Basically there's lots of these sites that let you buy a base system and
you can choose what extras you want - you customize it, they build it
and ship it.
A lot of them give you shitty Windows whether you want it or not, I'm
wondering if anyone knows of one of these websites in the UK that
perhaps doesn't force Windows and also is Linux friendly - that is to
say they know the hardware works on the Linux kernel already.