by stuart bell
I'm trying to write to a floppy so as to install DSL on an old IBM
laptop without cdrom. I plan to do the rest on line - I hope.
Problem so far is the floppy. Kfloppy tells me it's formatted ok ext2
but when i try to write to it I'm told "disc full" Tried two different
floppies on two different machines. I had planned to do this with
Debian but couldn't find the floppy image to download !
Registered Linux Mangler #001
18 years, 2 months
Fwd: Ulteo Sirius Alpha1 has been released!
by Kevanf1
Hi everybody :-) Well, it seems that every day we have yet another new
distro for our delictation and perusal. For once, this is not another
Ubuntu clone. Gael Duval is the guy who first devised and built
Mandrake - now merged with Connectiva and called Mandriva. Poor old
Gael got the boot some time ago from Mandriva so, instead of sitting
on his laurels he decided to start from scratch and build a whole new
distro once again. The result is 'Ulteo'. Billed as the 'ultimate'
distro it does sound promising....unless you love to tinker under the
Here's the newsletter I have just received. It certainly sounds interesting :-)
--- Ulteo News <return(a)ulteo.com> wrote:
> Ulteo Sirius Alpha1 has been released!
> Towards an "Application System"?
> Internet, December 7th, 2006 - Here is the first
> public
> version of Ulteo! Its codename is "Sirius" because
> we want
> to make it a star.
> Ulteo Sirius can be downloaded from the following
> place:
> http://www.ulteo.com/main/download.php
> The list of mirrors is going to be updated every
> time a new
> one is available. We ask that if you can host an FTP
> server
> for Ulteo downloads to please register
> at the following URL:
> http://www.ulteo.com/main/mirrors.php
> We remind you that until we are able to get more
> mirrors
> for downloads, your downloads might be a bit slower
> than
> normal. We will add support for torrent
> downloads/uploads
> as soon as we can. If you can help with this, we ask
> that
> you please contact us.
> Release notes for Sirius Alpha1 are available at:
> http://www.ulteo.com/main/sirius_release_notes.php
> Now, just download the liveCD, burn it to a CD and
> put it
> into your PC and boot. Remember, that it is an ALPHA
> version software! If everything works as we have
> planned,
> this may be the only Ulteo install you need to
> perform on
> this machine! Why? Read the rest...
> Ulteo was designed to ultimately simplify the use of
> computers.
> We think that users of modern computers spend too
> muchtime
> performing administration tasks such as the few
> listed
> below:
> - system installation
> - system administration
> - system maintenance
> - system upgrades
> - installation of applications
> - upgrade of applications currently on the system
> - etc.
> As a result, users have to perform tasks that should
> be
> reserved to computer specialists, while we think
> that users
> should just spend time using the applications they
> need.
> Ulteo tries to provide answers to these issues.
> The first answer we have is to consider the OS +
> applications as a whole system that we could call an
> "Application System". This system should:
> 1- always provide the most up to date stable
> features
> and self-upgrade automatically
> 2- require no, or very little, administration by the
> user
> 3- open users horizon to potentially every
> application
> which exists, the simple way
> For this release of Ulteo Sirius Alpha1, we have
> focused on
> the first point. This means that after the first
> installation, Ulteo will try to check for any new
> versions
> available if a network connection is available, and
> self-upgrade by using an incremental upgrade
> mechanism.
> What this means is that for the next alpha release
> version,
> no installation will be needed. Simply rebooting the
> system will be enough to get the new features and
> bug
> fixes.
> A new alpha version will follow soon. In particular
> it will
> start to address the second major point of Ulteo.
> With each
> release we hope to explain a new part of the Ulteo
> "vision"
> in greater detail.
> Stay tuned and enjoy the first tests!
> Gaël Duval & The Ulteo Team.
> http://www.ulteo.com
> --
> If you do not want to receive any more newsletters,
> To update your preferences and to unsubscribe visit
> Forward a Message to Someone
> --
> Powered by PHPlist, www.phplist.com --
Don't take it to the tip recycle it via the Freecycle(r) Network.
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United Kingdom
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
18 years, 2 months
VMware Workstation 5x on linux- Tutorials, help?
by Kris Douglas
I have never been a fan of RPM setups in Linux...i nortmally brake
something...or it just does not work.
I have been wanting to get VMWare working on linux for ages, because that
means i can run the faster, more stable versions of linux as my main OS
instead of bloody Windows(!)
I have tried to install VMWare Workstation 5X with my genuine key for ages
on Suse, Fedora and Kubuntu....with NO success...
So i was wondering if anyone here has any ideas or tutorials to install it?
Kris Douglas
Tel: +44(0)2030023641
Mob: 07918101493
Mail: kris(a)softdel.net
18 years, 2 months