Read this one then folks...
by Kevanf1
This article is sure to raise the hackles of a lot of Linux users.
But, do as I did and read it through then think about what has been
said. I agree with probably 75% of the article. What I do not agree
with is the last bit about software being difficult to install. It
certainly used to be, but not anymore in my experience. In fact, if
anybody has every had problems with getting an external hard drive to
run in Windows (the manufacturer states that he drivers are built in
with Win2k and XP) you'll appreciate just how good Linux drivers now
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Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
18 years
Ubuntu Vista
by Kris Douglas
I like this guys thinking, and i am sure you guys will too.
I am considering actually doing something like this for my grandparents
computer, i will just say there is an upgrade, check it out- shiny :)
Kris Douglas
Mail: kris(a)
Linux User: #436770 -
18 years
by stuart bell
Hi All,
I'm trying to use mklivecd to create a disaster disc for my laptop
with all updates installed and my WiFi drivers so it's just a case of
reinstalling if have a major problem.
Does anyone have any experience of this?
Main prob at the moment is that it creates livecd.iso but it looks too
small and won't boot anyway.
Registered Linux Mangler #001
18 years
Little issue with 10.2 and multiple desktops
by Kris Douglas
I have just installed Beryl using the tutorial on the OpenSUSE wiki. Its
fantastic...anyhoo- i was messing with the transparent desktops cube, and
then suddenly another 4 desktops have appeared on my multiple desktop
manager on the start bar...I am not using Gnome.
So i was like, ok this is easy...just go to the manager and turn some of the
desktops off using the slider- wrong. It says there is only one desktop, and
there should be 4, not 1 or 8.
Any help and/or ideas would be very appreciated.
Kris Douglas
Mail: kris(a)
Linux User: #436770 -
18 years
I don't believe it (in a Victor Meldrew voice)
by Kevanf1
Remember the other day when I was joking about my ankle and trying but
failing to break it? Well, being as my foot was black and blue today
and swollen even more than ever (it was a week ago that I had the
tumble) I thought it might be prudent to take a visit to accident and
emergency at Stafford hospital. One x-ray later and I would seem to
have a broken ankle :-( I cannot believe it!!! Years ago I smash a
bike up at 90mph and don't even so much as break a finger nail. Now
all I do is fall out of my workshop and I break a bloody ankle :-((((
So I'm all splinted up for a couple of weeks and unable to drive.
I must be getting old...
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Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
18 years
Sad news...
by Kevanf1
I don't know if anybody on this mailing list (apart from myself and
Dick) subscribed to an online magazine called TUX? The bad news is
that issue #20 was the last one to be produced :-((( TUX was a
fantastic magazine aimed squarely at the newcomer to Linux but, quite
often with useful and interesting articles for more seasoned users.
Apparently due to financial constraints they have had to cease the
lot. TUX was an online magazine not a printed and mailed copy but
they obviously had overheads which were unsustainable despite going to
a paid for subscription from last year (September I think?).
It will be sadly missed.
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Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
18 years