Sod's law....
by Kevanf1
I had to do it didn't I? I had to brag about how good my Ubuntu box
is in the workshop... Well, it's died!!!! Though, to be fair it's
not Ubuntu it's actually hardware. Trouble is I'm not sure what. The
CPU fan comes on so some power is getting through the PSU. None of
the optical drive bays will open or even flicker the power light so,
no power to them. I haven't yet had the multimeter on the PSU. I
have swapped it out only to have the same happen with another one that
I thought was a good 'un. I've swapped out the CPU... still the same.
No cap's are blown on the motherboard but I'm starting to think
motherboard now :-( I have some things to try but any suggestions are
welcome as to what to look at next.
Linux user #373362
'From me to you towards a sustainable future.'
14 years, 3 months
Next Meeting 8th November - Tech Meeting
by Dave R
Hello again,
Just a quickie to see if anyone has any things that they would like to do
for the next tech meeting?
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Staffslug] Next Meeting 8th November - Tech Meeting]
From: "Dave R" <dave(a)>
Date: Tue, October 19, 2010 21:30
To: staffslug(a)
Hello all,
I know it's a bit early, but strike while the iron is hot!
The next meeting will be on the 8th November at Schott House - Stafford.
At the moment, there is no topic for the meeting but from chats in the IRC
channel it has been suggested that we pick one particular issue that
either one or more of us is having, and we have a dig at trying to sort
it, or there is the list available at:
(updated link)
Staffslug mailing list
Staffslug mailing list
14 years, 3 months
Swap question
by Kevanf1
Here's one for you guys. On this old Proliant ML 330e (mentioned in
my previous posts this week) I only have 256mb of PC 133 ECC RAM.
It's a 1.0ghz P3 CPU. So, with this in mind would it be better
performance wise to have 'swap' as an entirely separate hard drive? I
found an old 1gb drive which is what made me wonder about this. It
would be good to upgrade the RAM and do have some non-ECC stuff but
the BIOS will not accept it and having gone through the settings (in
BIOS) there doesn't appear to be any way of allowing its use.
So. Any ideas? Anybody tried experimenting in this way? If so does
it make any 'significant' improvement or is it not worthwhile doing?
Take care.
Linux user #373362
'From me to you towards a sustainable future.'
14 years, 4 months
Ubuntu 10.10 anybody?
by Kevanf1
Has anybody tried or upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 yet? I tried it on my
old Proliant ML 330e. It buggered it :-( It ran fine with 10.04 but
as soon as 10.10 tried to start all I can get is a CLI instead of my
usual GUI. From the error message I'm getting it seems it must be
something to do with the video driver. The message is:
Fatal server error: no screens found
Then after that
xinit:No such file or directory (errno2)
xinit:No such process errno3: server error
Guess what? I'm stumped. I shall check the log file at
/var/log/Xorg.0.log but it might well be written in Arabic for me.
Looks like going back to 10.04
Linux user #373362
'From me to you towards a sustainable future.'
14 years, 4 months