OggCamp 2019
by Steven Maddox
OK so only 3 days after the relaunch and already got a trip on the cards :)
Sounds like a few of us are going to OggCamp 2019
<https://oggcamp.org/>. I've never been personally myself but Keira and
Darren are veterans and this will be their 6th year :)
I've popped some details on the website for anyone interested in tagging
along on the day we're going...
If anyone wants to discuss/chat about it, etc... please join the trips@
mailing list (either via the web interface on
https://lists.staffslug.org.uk or e-mail
Steven Maddox
5 years, 4 months
Re: [StaffsLUG Meetings] Re: Meeting 24/10/2019
by Steven Maddox
Lo folks,
Yeah it was a great meeting, a good 15 of you - hopefully we'll not be
going over 24 or we'll run out of desks! (or 30 at max - if I can get
the PC's, riiiight at the back turned on... without tripping the fuse box!)
I'm cc'ing general@ as I've found some black headphones (one of the ears
is broken and it has a lightning connector on the end)... let me know if
they're yours... whomever you are may not be on meetings@ yet - where
most of the chat about last night is occurring.
Was found this morning when I got in at 6:45am... usual of the day for
me, reason why I didn't pop down the pub after the workshop last night!.
Steven Maddox
On 25/09/2019 10:29, Richard Bateman wrote:
> It was great to meet you all yesterday.
> I have attached a screenshot of the board from last night's meeting
> and I'll get this typed up. If there is anything else you'd like
> to add please let me know!
> On Wed, 25 Sep 2019, 10:07 , <iain(a)highersystems.co.uk
> <mailto:iain@highersystems.co.uk>> wrote:
> Yes it very enjoyable,
> looking forward to future events (possibly OggCamp)
> _______________________________________________
> Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> <mailto:meetings@lists.staffslug.org.uk>
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> meetings-leave(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> <mailto:meetings-leave@lists.staffslug.org.uk>
> _______________________________________________
> Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> To unsubscribe send an email to meetings-leave(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
5 years, 5 months
REMINDER: Meeting tonight! Photos included.
by Steven Maddox
This is a quick (and final) reminder that the relaunch meeting is
happening TONIGHT from 6pm onwards! (7pm for the main business)
We'll be discussing the LUGs new resources, getting to know new faces,
talk of future plans and look back on the last 20 years together with
founder Dave Roberts who has confirmed he'll be in attendance :)
This is (likely) to be the *LAST* time that reminders about meetings
will go to general@ so if you want to know about future meetings then
please subscribe to meetings@ to be in the loop and influence the topics
they'll cover.
Details of the venue are on the site
<https://staffslug.org.uk/events/#Workshops> but basically stick ST5 5NB
into your sat-nav/phone and you'll find a building that looks like the
below photo... be sure to use the 2nd entrance (it's the lower half of
the building) marked by the big red arrow I've drawn!
Park anywhere at that back entrance and hit the doorbell on the
"Internet Central" door.
Also for anyone curious, this is what the room looks like that we'll be
using for the Workshops.
There is also a kitchen for people to get drinks and such...
Hopefully see you all there.
Steven Maddox
5 years, 5 months
Mint 19.2 - issues?
by Kevanf1
Is anybody running Mint 19.2? I have a couple of issues that I'd like to
put out there for discussion. Firstly the time applet in my system tray
does not seem to keep proper time. I find it often lags up to an hour
behind what it should be. The other issue is the lack of a working
software graphic equalise for audio playback. I've tried installing
various equalisers through both the software 'store and synaptic. They
appear to install with all dependencies fulfilled, well, no errors show
up. When I try running them they just don't work. I'm having to use
SMPlayer and its own equaliser but this is no good for internet radio
streams. Any ideas? Everything was working fine with Mint 17.3. I'm
sorely tempted to load up Mint 18 and give that a go.
Thank you.
5 years, 5 months
Re: General Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2
by Richard Bateman
Really looking forward to this!
Hope to see many of you there and put some names to faces!
Many thanks
Richard Bateman
On Sat, 21 Sep 2019, 00:00 , <general-request(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk> wrote:
> Send General mailing list submissions to
> general(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via email, send a message with subject or
> body 'help' to
> general-request(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> general-owner(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of General digest..."Today's Topics:
> 1. Meet up - Tuesday 24th September (Mark Sherratt)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mark Sherratt <m.j.sherratt(a)functionoffice.org>
> To: general(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2019 19:16:39 -0000
> Subject: [StaffsLUG General] Meet up - Tuesday 24th September
> Just a quick reminder that inaugural meeting of the relaunched StaffsLug
> will be this Tuesday 24th September:
> Starts: open from 6pm onwards but the main event is from 7pm.
> Location: Internet Central, Keele Science and Innovation Park, stick ST5
> 5NB in your Sat-Nav and take the left-turn AFTER the big IC building.
> Topic this week: 20 years of StaffsLUG and Relaunch
> - Get to know new faces and re-introduce to the concept of a LUG.
> - Look back at early StaffsLUG history with Dave Roberts.
> - Getting feedback for the future.
> Much more information on the venue and how to find it can be found here:
> https://staffslug.org.uk/events/#Workshops
> Hope to see many of you there!
> Mark Sherratt_______________________________________________
> General mailing list -- general(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
> To unsubscribe send an email to general-leave(a)lists.staffslug.org.uk
5 years, 5 months
Meet up - Tuesday 24th September
by Mark Sherratt
Just a quick reminder that inaugural meeting of the relaunched StaffsLug will be this Tuesday 24th September:
Starts: open from 6pm onwards but the main event is from 7pm.
Location: Internet Central, Keele Science and Innovation Park, stick ST5 5NB in your Sat-Nav and take the left-turn AFTER the big IC building.
Topic this week: 20 years of StaffsLUG and Relaunch
- Get to know new faces and re-introduce to the concept of a LUG.
- Look back at early StaffsLUG history with Dave Roberts.
- Getting feedback for the future.
Much more information on the venue and how to find it can be found here: https://staffslug.org.uk/events/#Workshops
Hope to see many of you there!
Mark Sherratt
5 years, 5 months
Is it really 20 years?
by Dave Roberts
Decided to see if there was any activity on the lug (I remember trying the
link a few years ago and I think it was going to a holding page), then
tried again today and there was this really nice new site with activity!
Had a look at the history page and saw the comment about when the lug was
set-up, and it made me feel old as I remember Mark and I talking about
setting it up (we used to work together on shifts as computer operators)
and it only felt like a few years, but not 20!
Anyway, really good to see it up and running again.
5 years, 6 months
IRC or similar?
by Russ Phillips
It just occurred to me to ask, is there any interest or plans for IRC, XMPP, or similar for real time chat?
5 years, 6 months
Older mailing lists
by Steven Maddox
As promised if you ever need anything from either of the older mailing
lists... staffs(a)mailman.lug.org.uk or staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk - you'
can now find them for viewing on https://lists.staffslug.org.uk
Just untick 'Hide inactive' and they should appear.
When there is a block of time, a bunch of us will be browsing through
all past messages to help with fleshing out the LUG's backstory on the
Unfortunately the HyperKitty / Mailman 3 interface shows months/years
even if they're devoid of messages - opened a feature request for this
and trying to see what I can do to the code for this to happen...
Steven Maddox
5 years, 6 months