Leaflets and posters
by Steven Maddox
Just so everyone is aware (mostly so I can get some input)... I'm in the
workshop room at the moment and I'll be here until about 6pm-ish... and
I'll probably be here tomorrow too for probably the same hours.
Well I'm making leaflets and posters for the LUG (and also helping ORG
Stoke and FSFE Potteries make some for them too) and not only is it
cooler here than my house (tried to do this yesterday at home and it
wasn't nice!)... but also there are other leaflets here that I can take
inspiration from.
The ORG Stoke and FSFE Potteries ones might be easier as I've got both
of their websites, plus existing leaflets from them - as inspiration for
what to include and an idea of how their "brand" looks.
But if anyone has any input on what our LUG posters and leaflets should
look, feel free to either...
a) get on IRC or Discord and tell me
b) reply back with thoughts
c) have a little journey up to Keele and keep me company
I'll be doing all this on Inkscape and I'll be sure to show you the
proposed design when I've got something.
Then find some way to pay for them, and if anyone has any good supplier
for printing leaflets let me know.
At the moment the prevailing thought is to do an A4 double sided
leaflet... but folded twice (i.e. 1/3rd A4 size... or better known as DL
Let me know about if you think a different size would be better (e.g.
the local hackspace uses A5 size)... but if we're hoping people to take
leaflets off us (to show in their existing leaflet stands or on
surfaces)... then maybe asking them to take ORG Stoke and FSFE Potteries
leaflets too... them all being smaller leaflets might be more likely to
be taken than 3 bigger ones.
Steven Maddox
2 years, 8 months
Updates on how events will work going forwards
by Steven Maddox
Really pleased with how well (in terms of ideas and enthusiasm) the last
workshop went. It's given the committee a great boost of things to try
and implement and a good bunch of ideas to fill the calendar with.
We've taken a few views since then...
1. The evening socials at the KPA will continue to only take place on
Tuesdays (where we might normally have had a workshop meeting,
usually every other Tuesday) as we've remembered the original reason
for this decision was to help people with their schedules and to
hopefully see the same faces as both kinds of events.
2. However this doesn't stop us from having other socials (potentially
away from the KPA) which can occur on other days and times (e.g.
perhaps in Newcastle or back in Stafford like they used to be)...
shout if you'd be up for that.
3. We're only listing workshop meetings on the website under the
'Planned' section of the calendar when there is a confirmed
presenter(s) for the meeting that we can list (the name can be
listed however they want, as long as we know you're real!).
Additionally the presenter(s) must provide us with at least a rough
idea of what will be covered that we can type up as no more than 6
bullet points. So if you've offered to do a talk in the last
workshop, please get those details to us and which Tuesdays (at
least Tuesdays of odd-numbered weeks
<https://www.epochconverter.com/weeknumbers>) you will be free.
4. Anything that doesn't have a hard date but we do know the likely
presenter and outline will be listed under 'Proposed' and anything
that is just a fleeting idea (with no outline or presenter) will go
under 'Ideas' until someone takes it on.
5. We're going to have a yearly 'End of year activities' workshop every
year (and after some retroactive renaming, we've done that for the
last 3 years) rather than any 'End of quarter' meetings we've spoken
about previously. This is so we can fit in more proper topic-based
workshops on the fortnightly Tuesdays during a year as well as make
room for ORG Stoke and FSFE Potteries events.
6. Any future workshop that is on the same rough topic as a previous
one will receive a title that is the same as the previous time we
did that workshop but with the year as the suffix (e.g. 'Tabletop
gaming on Linux 2020') and rename the older one for clarity (e.g.
'Tabletop gaming on Linux 2019').
7. We're investigating ways so that in the future if you're a member of
the meetings@ mailing list, then you'll automatically get a calendar
invite in your email (so you can add it to your personal calendar)
likely 2 weeks in advance (or something like that) of a social or a
workshop (possibly also trips if we collapse trips@ into
meetings@). You'll still be able to talk on meetings@ but being
subscribed to it will also mean you'll get these calendar invites
automatically (just don't reply to them or forward them as the
ability to RSVP would be tied to just your email address). If
anyone doesn't like this proposal, please shout.
Steven Maddox
2 years, 8 months
Firefox extension
by R M Crorie
Great first 2022 Staffs LUG meeting!
For those that were there this evening, the Mozilla Firefox extension
that displays in the URL window the national flag of the country where
the Web server is physically located is called "Flagfox". As opined at
the meeting, it's a great little add-on and very useful from a data
privacy point of view.
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2 years, 9 months
We're back... 7th June.
by Steven Maddox
So I'll keep this brief :)
After a many lockdown (the 1st and all many sequels) and all the periods
of uncertainly both between them and after...
And after a lot of faffing trying to get the room "ready" with all its
many improvement (mostly done... but still some work to be done)...
And finally after removing the shutters from the windows (the latest
delay we've had... mostly a safety thing so you can throw yourself out
of a window in the event of a fire!)...
It's time to say...
Are you free... 7th June 2022... 6:30pm onwards? (with a more proper
start of 7pm)
This workshop will just be entitled "End of Hiatus" and the plan is to...
* Catch up with one another, we've not seen each other for bloody ages
* Try out and show off some of the bits of the room, new equipment and
posters we've got (we have a vending machine now too!)
* Brainstorm together what we'd like to see in future workshops,
including the ones which have been listed as 'delayed' on the
website for a while now
* Plan any other events, perhaps a social down the KPA perhaps
* etc..
Nothing too serious this time around and hopefully you can make it!
I'll also be putting this information on the website, discord, and
meetup.com - so hopefully this will sufficiently get the word out.
Steven Maddox
2 years, 9 months