New leadership for 2023/2024
by Steven Maddox
It's been another year and once again it's time to open up nominations
for who will run the Staffordshire Linux User Group project!
Unlike last year when Richard was LUGMaster, I'd normally ask the
current leader of the project to summarise where we are with the project
for the year just gone in a separate e-mail that you would have already
received. So this year I had a nice conversation with myself!
You should have already got that e-mail just prior to getting this
one... so please read that first.
As a director of Function Office I am thrilled to see the LUG is still
going and having physical meetings again in the last year since the
end of most COVID-19 lockdowns. It would be great for this to continue
and steadily attract more attendees.
This nomination process culminates in a singular project leader being
appointed, who can then involve whomever they determine might be able to
help them ensure continued success of the project as part of a
committee. Whomever gets this role will have full use of Function
Office resources such as hosting, contacts, equipment, banking and
supplier agreements (like use of the WRS room). They can also request
that Function Office staff wear a "second hat" and join you in **your**
committee to help too... so this can include any of the former project
leaders or even staff from Function Office (so this doesn't need to be a
daunting task at all).
This is done in a 6 stage process and the new leader is then ready for
the role ready by the LUG's 24th year birthday which is the 2nd March
2023 (project leader terms run from the 2nd March to the 2nd March).
- Stage 1: Everyone is encouraged to send nominations by e-mail to
info(a) by no later than the end of the day of 25th
- Stage 2: If nominated by at least 3 people, that person will be asked
if they want the role, replies needed no later than the end of the day
27th February to be considered.
- Stage 3: Nominations will be published on the 28th February and any
objections to them need to be received by no later than the end of the
day of 1st March 2022 and sent to info(a) only.
- Stage 4: Nominees may be asked questions such as any relevant
experience or other supporting credentials to help us make a decision.
- Stage 5: Function Office staff discuss the subject and the board
agrees a new project leader which will be announced on the 2nd March.
- Stage 6: Internally within the LUG, the project leader can title
themselves however they like (e.g. Project Leader, Governor or
LUGMaster, etc...) and can create new roles for whomever they like to
assist them internally as part of a committee.
Speaking for myself, as I've only been in the role for a year and don't
yet feel like some of the things I wanted to action are yet complete,
I don't mind being nominated again.
However a fresh perspective is welcome and I'd love to see some other
names being put forward.
Hope this all makes sense,
Since this is a Function Office process, I'd be grateful if any
questions surrounding this be sent directly to info(a)
Steven Maddox
Director, Seaquake Project Leader, Developer and Account Manager
Function Office
Registered in England & Wales number 06745059 at Innovation Centre 3,
University Drive, Keele, ST5 5NL.
2 years
Obligatory end of annual term e-mail
by Steven Maddox
My alter ego Steven Maddox (in his capacity at Function Office) just
told me that my time as project leader of StaffsLUG (at least for this
current term) will be coming to an end on the 2nd March.
So this is basically just a quick e-mail from me to say thanks for
nominating me last year and allowing me to guide the LUG so far in its
23rd year... it's been great to see us have some meetings in the last 12
months since most of the COVID-19 lockdowns ended.
With the new leaflets entering production soon and collaboration with
other local groups... I hope we can get the numbers up for regular
meetings back to at least where they were pre-pandemic.
This is my way of saying I don't mind being leader of the LUG again for
the 24th year (of the LUG, not me leading it! that has only been 1 year!).
You'll get another e-mail from my alter ego in a second.
p.s. Thank you to everyone that has contributed ideas and support in the
last year.
Steven Maddox
2 years
Donations to Free Software
by Steven Maddox
Somehow I must have accidentally clicked on something (no idea what) and
the website opened on the their donation page.
Since I already give £1 a month (or £12 annual... or the equivalent in $
or €) to several bits of free software that I'm thankful for (assuming
they're asking for donations and seem to need it to spur on future
development)... well that ends up being a very long list of £1 donations :)
So I thought, yeah Thunderbird! Of course... how have I missed that one!?
But it seems through the Thunderbird website I can either give a
one-time donation of £12 (as the 'Give once' tab is also a minimum of
£5)... where I'd likely forget next year to send the same again (not good).
Or if paying monthly... it demands that it must be £5 at least!
I'm assuming this is all done with PayPal (looking at the FAQ's)... in
which case Liberapay does this much better!
Anyone else encountered Liberapay or similar donation platforms for free
software? Maybe your thoughts on donating money to help keep the
development of free software going?
Steven Maddox
2 years
FSFE Potteries: I Love Free Software Day !! (14th February)
by Steven Maddox
This is to let you know that FSFE Potteries will be holding a meeting on
Tuesday 14th February!
It'll be in the same room as where the LUG does it's usual "Workshop"
meetings... so just consider it another one of those, but with a
slightly different angle.
They're going to be celebrating their first 'I Love Free Software Day
<>' (it's the 13th
time that Free Software Foundation Europe
<> has ran the campaign)
Unfortunately the new group has been restricted by COVID-19 (as they
formed in 2020) and so couldn't do this on the previous two February's.
But I'm well informed that it apparently calls for food and drinks... so
that can be expected to be provided! So make sure to skip eating any tea!
Usual time and place as it would be for a LUG meeting... (I'll send out
another reminder close to the time)
Their website: // <>/_Wiki
page (click the link)_
Their mailing list (it is *strong advised* to subscribe to their mailing
list... it will get different messages to the LUG)/: //Mailing list 📨/
<>/(click the link)
🇬🇧 📍Innovation Centre 1 building (i.e. marked simply as 'IC'...
closest to the centre part of campus), KeeleUniversity, ST5 5NB,
Staffordshire, United Kingdom.
⏰ 18:30 (main activities starting at 19:00)
📋 It would be handy if you can subscribe to the Potteries mailing list
<> and let us know you
are coming!
🚗 If coming by car... please use the rear (and lower) car park behind
the building (2nd left if coming from Newcastle) and only the space
marked 'Internet Central'
Hopefully it'll get listed on too soon, they're just waiting to
hear on that.
Steven Maddox
2 years, 1 month