OggCamp 2024
by Steven Maddox
Good news!
I only found out last week... but OggCamp has finally come back after 5
years! (and it's at the same venue in Manchester as before).
For those that didn't go in 2019... take a look at the photos and
information we wrote up at the last one...
You can find all the details for OggCamp 2024 here...
A bunch of us will be going to the 1st day (of this 2 day event)... so
that means Saturday 12th October. If people want to stick around until
the day after for more talks... then that's a choice too, or go back
home - whichever.
I'm CC'ing in the ORG Stoke & FSFE Potteries mailing lists... mostly
because it was the trip to OggCamp in 2019 that these groups started!
Also CC'ing Potteries Hackspace as I know we found a few people had gone
to it last time too... so trying to get the word out it's back on!
Despite the strange sounding name of 'OggCamp'... it's basically several
conference rooms in hotel, with near by places to eat/drinks, raffles
and games, stalls of other interesting groups (like Open Rights Group,
hackspaces, people from podcasts, etc...)... and you just have a wander
around and take it all in.
But the main point is that it's an "unconference"... which is where you
look at what talks are going to occur (and when) for each conference
room and just wander in to whichever ones take your interest. Nothing
corporate... just basically what we do with our workshop presentations,
but on a much bigger scale... with lots of them going on at once. They
publish the list of talks much closer to (or potentially on the day, not
sure!?) but you'll be sure to find something to interest you.
Obviously it's all about open source / standards / hardware, networking,
digital rights, free software, etc...
It's really worth it if you can make it... and the ticket price is more
of a donation, so just give what you can to support their work.
We've already got a few people in the LUG who are going... and it's
likely we'll take the train (as we did in 2019)... unless there is a lot
of us and maybe someone might fancy driving a mini bus?!
Let me know if you're thinking of joining us!
Steven Maddox
5 months, 3 weeks
Summer meetup?
by Steven Maddox
Hello StaffsLUG peoples...
Would people be up for a bit of a summer social at some point the next
few weeks?
Nothing too fancy, just a few drinks round at the KPA pub in Keele,
likely in the outside seating area in the evening?
*If so... speak up!* Even if you've seen others reply.. as its good to
get a complete picture of how much interest there is. It's also useful
to know of any dates/times you can't do.
If you'd prefer not to send a reply to the entire group then just email
me directly... info(a)staffslug.org.uk
Steven Maddox
6 months