New leadership for 2023/2024
by Steven Maddox
It's been another year and once again it's time to open up nominations
for who will run the Staffordshire Linux User Group project!
Unlike last year when Richard was LUGMaster, I'd normally ask the
current leader of the project to summarise where we are with the project
for the year just gone in a separate e-mail that you would have already
received. So this year I had a nice conversation with myself!
You should have already got that e-mail just prior to getting this
one... so please read that first.
As a director of Function Office I am thrilled to see the LUG is still
going and having physical meetings again in the last year since the
end of most COVID-19 lockdowns. It would be great for this to continue
and steadily attract more attendees.
This nomination process culminates in a singular project leader being
appointed, who can then involve whomever they determine might be able to
help them ensure continued success of the project as part of a
committee. Whomever gets this role will have full use of Function
Office resources such as hosting, contacts, equipment, banking and
supplier agreements (like use of the WRS room). They can also request
that Function Office staff wear a "second hat" and join you in **your**
committee to help too... so this can include any of the former project
leaders or even staff from Function Office (so this doesn't need to be a
daunting task at all).
This is done in a 6 stage process and the new leader is then ready for
the role ready by the LUG's 24th year birthday which is the 2nd March
2023 (project leader terms run from the 2nd March to the 2nd March).
- Stage 1: Everyone is encouraged to send nominations by e-mail to
info(a) by no later than the end of the day of 25th
- Stage 2: If nominated by at least 3 people, that person will be asked
if they want the role, replies needed no later than the end of the day
27th February to be considered.
- Stage 3: Nominations will be published on the 28th February and any
objections to them need to be received by no later than the end of the
day of 1st March 2022 and sent to info(a) only.
- Stage 4: Nominees may be asked questions such as any relevant
experience or other supporting credentials to help us make a decision.
- Stage 5: Function Office staff discuss the subject and the board
agrees a new project leader which will be announced on the 2nd March.
- Stage 6: Internally within the LUG, the project leader can title
themselves however they like (e.g. Project Leader, Governor or
LUGMaster, etc...) and can create new roles for whomever they like to
assist them internally as part of a committee.
Speaking for myself, as I've only been in the role for a year and don't
yet feel like some of the things I wanted to action are yet complete,
I don't mind being nominated again.
However a fresh perspective is welcome and I'd love to see some other
names being put forward.
Hope this all makes sense,
Since this is a Function Office process, I'd be grateful if any
questions surrounding this be sent directly to info(a)
Steven Maddox
Director, Seaquake Project Leader, Developer and Account Manager
Function Office
Registered in England & Wales number 06745059 at Innovation Centre 3,
University Drive, Keele, ST5 5NL.
2 years