Question about using Mailing Lists...
by Steven Maddox
p.s. Sorry to those on the trips@ mailing list for my test messages,
it'll make sense if you read this!
Lo All,
I've occasionally noticed that people who reply to messages I've sent
into one of the lists... are replying directly to me rather than the list.
I don't always spot it... but on those occasions where I have, I usually
let them know and they re-post their message on the list (various
people, not targeting anyone particular!).
I don't think people have intentionally sought to just reply to me... if
you were though, keep it on the lists where possible... it'll encourage
more use of them :)
I've managed to isolate at least 9 messages (let me know if you want a
list of them) that were probably meant for the mailing list but came to
me instead (which I never noticed at the time and were not resent by the
original sender)... so they've now been imported into the archives with
all the other messages. Mostly so these conversations now make sense if
you ever browse them online!
Where this has been accidental though I've been research the possible
reasons why...
*Short version: *Use a "Reply List" button (or similar name, if you have
one), but failing that... using the "Reply All" button should work too.
*Long version... (read on... especially if you know about e-mail headers!)*
I don't seem to be affected by this as much due to a user interface
difference in my Thunderbird mail client. When I reply to messages,
I've instinctively always been been drawn to using the "Reply List"
button (which appears where the "Reply All" button would normally be)
next to the normal "Reply" button. Thunderbird seems to show this
button because it knows (due to the RFC2369 List-* headers) that it is a
mailing list.
If you don't use Thunderbird it'd be helpful to know if your mail client
does something similar, maybe people on Gmail may know if that does also?
This does mean though... that those who just hit "Reply" (likely having
no other choice, not even "Reply All") need to check if their mail
client filled in the "To:" field with the original senders e-mail
address or the list address, and manually change it if needed. But
generally I'd say these days most people at least have a "Reply All"
button which should work just as well.
I find in Thunderbird that if I use "Reply" and not "Reply List" that it
always replies directly (and not via the list)... unless I'm replying to
myself via the list, then it realises you likely don't want to reply to
yourself and uses the list address instead!
Looking back (before the relaunch in August) when the old
staffslug(a) mailing list ran on the older Mailman 2...
things (in terms of the From: address and headers, etc...) were set up
in exactly the same way as they are now. So not sure how much of an
issue it was back then, I never heard of it being a problem back then.
However looking at the way "Shropshire LUG" does it... incoming messages
from the mailing list show up as...
From: Steven Madox via Shropshire <shropshire(a)>
Subject: [Shropshire] Whatever
To: shropshire(a)
CC: s.maddox(a)
So when hitting reply... it goes to the list, and instead the original
senders e-mail has been clumsily put into the CC section instead
(although they don't get two copies of the message) - mostly so you can
just see who really sent it.
Mailman 3 it seems (via the Postorious web UI) has a "Reply goes to
list" configuration setting, which although doesn't do what I've seen on
Shrops LUG - mangles things in other ways.
It has 4 choices (see this
bit of their docs, which strongly recommends you never touch it!)...
here they are along with my findings as to what they do...
* *No munging *(default)
/_When Tested:_/ Does exactly nothing, which is exactly the
intention in this case. Leaving the Reply-To header (if one exists)
alone. This does mean though people without RFC2369 compliant mail
clients (or just those without a 'Reply List' or 'Reply All' option)
need to type in the mailing list address manually in to "To:" field
(or copy it from the "To:" that can be found in the original message).
* *Reply goes to list*
/_When Tested:_/ If you're not using Thunderbird, this likely does
exactly what it's meant to, which is add a 'Reply-To' header so if
you hit "Reply" it'll go to the list. But it seems Thunderbird
changed something a while back to ignore the 'Reply-To' header when
using "Reply" if the message is considered to be from a mailing
list! I suppose because they really want you to use that 'Reply
List' button?
* _*Explicit Reply-to header set*_
/_When Tested:_/ This seems to add a completely empty 'Reply-To'
header, no idea why._*
* _*Explicit Reply-to set; no Cc added*_*/_
_/*/_When Tested:_/ Seems to do exactly the same as the last one.
No idea why this one is 'no Cc added' as none of the above 3
starting adding in Cc's anyway!
The first option 'No munging' is the one that is strongly recommended by
the Mailman 3 team.
Anyone got any thoughts on this?
The more I wrote up this e-mail I find myself just wanting to leave it
as it is! Trust me this e-mail was going to be way longer :S
Steven Maddox
5 years, 3 months
Re: [StaffsLUG Meetings] Re: Social on 19th November 2019
by Steven Maddox
Social tomorrow :), if you're thinking of going please copy&paste below and send to the list!
# Can Attend
Robin C
Iain S
Steven M
# Might Attend
Jonathan E (dependant on family)
Darren M (dependant on late working)
Keira T
Adam E (asked about it on IRC)
Matthew K (will try to work from home so can make it)
# Not this time
Dave R
Richard B
Steven Maddox
On 13/11/2019 16:45, Steven Maddox wrote:
> Social on 19th November 2019 - at KPA Clubhouse from 6pm onwards
> - Address / Map here...
> - Events on the calendar...
> Updated...
> ===========================================================
> # Can Attend
> Robin C
> Steven M
> # Might Attend
> Jonathan E (dependant on family)
> Darren M (dependant on late working)
> Keira T
> Adam E (was asking about it on #stafflug IRC)
> Matthew K (will try to work from home so can make it)
> # Not this time
> Dave R
> Richard B
> ============================================================
> Remember to reply to the LIST and not me! You can just Copy & Paste the
> bit between the lines and update it as need, it's mostly to get a feel
> of how good attendance will be.
> p.s. There will be a special announcement at this social :)
> Steven Maddox
> Lantizia
> On 07/11/2019 09:39, Steven Maddox wrote:
>> Lo
>> Just to avoid confusion (I was asked why this wasn't on the website)...
>> my original 'PUB!' e-mail below was only proposal, meant to get some
>> feedback :)
>> I'm going to presume (as its been 2 weeks) that no one had a better
>> idea... so this'll be it :) It also helps that we've been there before
>> (after the relaunch Workshop in September).
>> I'll send round one of those Going / Not Going e-mails (similar to how
>> it was done with socials for years) but on the meetings@ mailing
>> list (please keep those e-mails within that list).
>> On that please state if you're either...
>> a) can attend (as in, intend to - nothing you can think of would stop you)
>> b) might attend (as in, want to - dependant on other factors though)
>> c) not this time (as in, Tuesdays normally work for you... but on this
>> one you've got a conflict... but would normally try to come)
>> I've been tinkering with a better map as well (hacked from a Keele
>> University PDF)... that shows where both Workshops and Socials take place...
>> Steven Maddox
>> Lantizia
>> On 23/10/2019 10:41, Steven Maddox wrote:
>>> Lo,
>>> Back when we relaunched we said we'd have social meetings too... much
>>> in the same style that StaffsLUG used to have before the relaunch.
>>> Due to a recurring (every November) diary conflict for using the WRS
>>> (the room we use for workshops)... now is a perfect time for a purely
>>> social meeting!
>>> So if you fancy a pint... then I'm suggesting we meet at the KPA
>>> Clubhouse <> (some of you went
>>> there after the first workshop meeting in September with Richard)...
>>> from 6pm onwards on Tuesday 19th November 2019.
>>> Basically the KPA Clubhouse <> is
>>> a pub ran by a post-graduate union (the KPA
>>> <>), but it's open to the public. In short you
>>> won't find any crazy drunken university students here, it's more
>>> likely people that work on the campus and senior academic types.
>>> They've also got an upstairs function room, so if there are enough
>>> people we can always move things up there too.
>>> I've ran the odd social at this venue in the past and it's a great
>>> place. If you've got other dates/place in mind - now is the time to
>>> say... but assuming there isn't a general consensus for something
>>> else... this'll be it.
>>> --
>>> Steven Maddox
>>> Lantizia
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to meetings-leave(a)
>> _______________________________________________
>> Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)
>> To unsubscribe send an email to meetings-leave(a)
> _______________________________________________
> Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)
> To unsubscribe send an email to meetings-leave(a)
5 years, 3 months
DMX assistance
by Richard Bateman
Hi all,
I've had a request for a bit of training assistance with DMX (lighting
for plays) both in programming and also with maintenance. I'll contact
the hackspace and see if they have any experience with the hardware side
of things. If any of you have any experience you are willing to share or
know.of any contacts that would be willing to help, please let me know
Many thanks
5 years, 3 months
Re: [StaffsLUG Meetings] Re: PUB!
by Dave Roberts
On Thu, 7 Nov 2019, 10:09 Steven Maddox, <meetings(a)> wrote:
> Social on 19th November 2019 - at KPA Clubhouse from 6pm onwards
> It's on the calendar now...
> Also the map is uploaded...
> Steven Maddox
> R M Crorie
> Richard Bateman
Dave Roberts
> n/a
> Steven Maddox
> Lantizia
> On 07/11/2019 09:39, Steven Maddox wrote:
> > Lo
> >
> > Just to avoid confusion (I was asked why this wasn't on the website)...
> > my original 'PUB!' e-mail below was only proposal, meant to get some
> > feedback :)
> >
> > I'm going to presume (as its been 2 weeks) that no one had a better
> > idea... so this'll be it :) It also helps that we've been there before
> > (after the relaunch Workshop in September).
> >
> > I'll send round one of those Going / Not Going e-mails (similar to how
> > it was done with socials for years) but on the *_meetings@ mailing
> > list_* (please keep those e-mails within that list).
> >
> > On that please state if you're either...
> > a) going
> > b) would normally go as Tuesday evenings work for you (same night as
> > Workshops) but have a conflict this particular occasion (helpful for
> > planning other Socials)
> > c) aren't ever likely free on Tuesday evenings
> > d) (optional) just don't like socials :P
> >
> > I've been tinkering with a better map as well (hacked from a Keele
> > University PDF)... that shows where both Workshops and Socials take
> place...
> >
> > Steven Maddox
> > Lantizia
> >
> > On 23/10/2019 10:41, Steven Maddox wrote:
> >>
> >> Lo,
> >>
> >> Back when we relaunched we said we'd have social meetings too... much
> >> in the same style that StaffsLUG used to have before the relaunch.
> >>
> >> Due to a recurring (every November) diary conflict for using the WRS
> >> (the room we use for workshops)... now is a perfect time for a purely
> >> social meeting!
> >>
> >> So if you fancy a pint... then I'm suggesting we meet at the KPA
> >> Clubhouse <> (some of you went
> >> there after the first workshop meeting in September with Richard)...
> >> from 6pm onwards on Tuesday 19th November 2019.
> >>
> >> Basically the KPA Clubhouse <> is
> >> a pub ran by a post-graduate union (the KPA
> >> <>), but it's open to the public. In short you
> >> won't find any crazy drunken university students here, it's more
> >> likely people that work on the campus and senior academic types.
> >>
> >> They've also got an upstairs function room, so if there are enough
> >> people we can always move things up there too.
> >>
> >> I've ran the odd social at this venue in the past and it's a great
> >> place. If you've got other dates/place in mind - now is the time to
> >> say... but assuming there isn't a general consensus for something
> >> else... this'll be it.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Steven Maddox
> >> Lantizia
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)
> >> To unsubscribe send an email to meetings-leave(a)
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)
> > To unsubscribe send an email to meetings-leave(a)
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Meetings mailing list -- meetings(a)
> To unsubscribe send an email to meetings-leave(a)
5 years, 4 months
by Steven Maddox
Back when we relaunched we said we'd have social meetings too... much in
the same style that StaffsLUG used to have before the relaunch.
Due to a recurring (every November) diary conflict for using the WRS
(the room we use for workshops)... now is a perfect time for a purely
social meeting!
So if you fancy a pint... then I'm suggesting we meet at the KPA
Clubhouse <> (some of you went there
after the first workshop meeting in September with Richard)... from 6pm
onwards on Tuesday 19th November 2019.
Basically the KPA Clubhouse <> is a
pub ran by a post-graduate union (the KPA <>),
but it's open to the public. In short you're unlikely to find any crazy
drunken university students here, it's more likely people that work on
the campus and senior academic types.
They've also got an upstairs function room, so if there are enough
people we can always move things up there too.
I've actually ran the odd social at this venue in the past and it's a
great place... so much that I've managed to find an old leaflet (that I
made for another group) and I've butchered it into being a LUG leaflet,
see below! :P
It's got the directions on it at least!
If you're got other dates/place in mind - now is the time to say... but
assuming there isn't a general consensus for something else... this'll
be it.
Steven Maddox
5 years, 4 months
Human-Interaction Conference 2020
by Steven Maddox
The guy I've been talking to from the North Staffordshire branch of BCS
(British Computer Society) has just mentioned to me this website...
It seems there will be a Human-Computer interaction conference held for
a week at Keele in July of next year.
Not sure if anyone was really aware of this so thought I'd mention it.
Also CC'ing trips@ as a bunch of us are likely to go with our LUG-member
hats on, make a blog post about it - that kind of thing.
I'm not sure which bits (if any, I presume there must be some - or he
wouldn't have mentioned it to me, I'm no academic!) are open to the
general-public, I'll keep looking.
I'll send another reminder when it's closer to (and if I don't you can
remind me to!)
Steven Maddox
5 years, 4 months
3rd/17th December Topic ... plus update on CAcert
by Steven Maddox
I'm thinking of possibly doing a talk on creating a basic web server for
the 3rd December workshop...
Basically how to set up Apache, with a basic PHP and MySQL stack - and
throw in use of certbot (for Let's Encrypt certificates)... does this
float anyone's boat?
The 3rd December *was* going to be (but was never confirmed) the talk on
CAcert, but the guy who was going to do the talk was preferring it be
further away from Christmas. So this is now definitively going to be on
the 11th February instead.
We're also going to be inviting other local LUG's I've been talking to,
to participate and come over for the CAcert one, and possibly other
cross-talks too.
As for the 17th December workshop... the thought has been to have a
little "end of quarter" round off meeting, maybe play with that Tux
robot a bit (a bit of fun basically) and also some lightning talks (5 to
10 minute) if people are interested in doing that? (an idea that the
bunch of us which went Oggcamp this year got).
Don't be shy... if you've read this e-mail... hit reply!! Tell us what
you think of the above 3 bits of news :)
Lastly, let us know what you think about the 19th November social!
Steven Maddox
5 years, 4 months
by Steven Maddox
Probably a veeery long shot, but does anyone want to go to FOSDEM 2020?
It's in Brussels! But I've been before (Brussels not FOSDEM) and it's
not that bad a journey via the channel tunnel, about 2 hours from London.
Maybe some of you have been before? (cc'ing in General, in case of this)
Been speaking to John Alexander of ShropsLUG who has mentioned it to me.
Steven Maddox
5 years, 4 months