by Steven Maddox
Back when we relaunched we said we'd have social meetings too... much in
the same style that StaffsLUG used to have before the relaunch.
Due to a recurring (every November) diary conflict for using the WRS
(the room we use for workshops)... now is a perfect time for a purely
social meeting!
So if you fancy a pint... then I'm suggesting we meet at the KPA
Clubhouse <> (some of you went there
after the first workshop meeting in September with Richard)... from 6pm
onwards on Tuesday 19th November 2019.
Basically the KPA Clubhouse <> is a
pub ran by a post-graduate union (the KPA <>),
but it's open to the public. In short you're unlikely to find any crazy
drunken university students here, it's more likely people that work on
the campus and senior academic types.
They've also got an upstairs function room, so if there are enough
people we can always move things up there too.
I've actually ran the odd social at this venue in the past and it's a
great place... so much that I've managed to find an old leaflet (that I
made for another group) and I've butchered it into being a LUG leaflet,
see below! :P
It's got the directions on it at least!
If you're got other dates/place in mind - now is the time to say... but
assuming there isn't a general consensus for something else... this'll
be it.
Steven Maddox
5 years, 2 months
VASSAL tonight
by Russ Phillips
I won't be able to get to tonight's meeting, but it's something that I'm quite interested in.
Is there any chance of someone recording it? Even if it's not very good quality, I'd appreciate it.
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5 years, 3 months
Reminder: 8th October - Workshop meeting tonight
by Steven Maddox
Just a quick reminder that there is a workshop meeting tonight.
Tonight's topic will be... *DNS-Sinkholes including the use of "Pi-hole"
presented by Richard.*
As usual our doors will be open from 6pm onwards (where you might see
some last minute dashing around setting up) for a normal start time of 7p
Details of the venue are on the site
<> but basically stick ST5 5NB
into your sat-nav/phone and you'll find a building that looks like the
below photo... be sure to use the 2nd entrance (it's the lower half of
the building) marked by the big red arrow I've drawn!
Park anywhere at that back entrance and hit the doorbell on the
"Internet Central" door.
Steven Maddox
5 years, 3 months
Looking back at last week
by Steven Maddox
So it's been decided to make a little blog post every time there has
been a workshop meeting (sometimes it may be made before hand - if
there's a lot of useful information to digest before attending).
The point is that it shouldn't be a laborious task in articulating every
detail of what occurred...
But rather much like a quick diary entry... to recap/remind those who
came, about what occurred and attach any slides, files, images, etc...
that were used in any presentations.
First one has been published.. and on this one occasion (to celebrate
the relaunch) there is also a lovely photo of some of the people who
attended who didn't mind being in a group photo :)
More blog posts will be coming soon, including some more polished ones
about past preparation work the LUG has undergone in the last few
years... and also posts from older versions of the site.
*p.s. If you'd like to continue the chat's we were having on the
whiteboard about workshop meeting topics, remember to use the meetings@
Steven Maddox
5 years, 4 months
Topic for the 8th
by Richard Bateman
Hi all,
Just a reminder that next Tuesday's workshop topic will be Pi Hole (Ad
blocking on Raspberry Pi) Hope to see you there!
5 years, 4 months