Screening of Revolution OS on 14th March 2023
by Steven Maddox
We're trying to get in to the habit of announcing new LUG workshops with
at least 25 days notice... but since that is a fairly new policy and we
wanted to do something on the 14th March anyway we're going ahead
anyway! (2 weeks notice should be fine enough)
Since Richard suggested a social, I thought perhaps we'd not do anything
super critical... and instead do our first screening event! (something
we've mentioned in the past but never actually done).
A while back I obtained a copy of 'Revolution OS' that came out in 2001
and chronicles the first ten years from 1991-2001 of Linux history with
people like Eric S Raymond, Linus Torvalds, Bruce Perens, and Richard
Stallman... all appearing to tell their stories.
Since it's an actual legal DVD... it should be fine for private viewing
for anyone who attends in person (so sorry, we won't be streaming the
meeting this time!). Oddly I can't seem to find a copy on the Internet
Archive any more... but if you're certain you can't attend (don't spoil
it by watching it and THEN attending!) then a quick YouTube search will
probably pull up a copy if you can't make the meeting!
We'll put on the first 40 minutes, have the customary break, then put on
the other 40 minutes (it's 1 hour 25 minutes long including credits).
We'll skip the last 5 minutes as it's an awful song (lyrics by Richard
Stallman) which is HORRIBLY cringy... unless someone REALLY wants to
watch it.
There should be plenty of time for us to pause for any clarifications /
questions as we go... between all of us we can probably fill in any
blanks that you have about Linux history during this period.
If we really want to... since it's the 2 disc special edition, there are
some interviews apparently on the 2nd disc that I've never even watched.
We've also got plenty of Linux Journal and Linux Format magazines from
around 1999 (when the LUG started... including us being mentioned in one
of the magazines) and 2000 as well if you fancy flicking through some
articles whilst the video is playing.
I'll get some snacks in (popcorn anyone?) and soft drinks as well.
Please bring along along your friends, family, or significant other...
as it'd be a great way to introduce the topic of Linux to them.
📅 Tuesday 14th March
⏰ 6:30pm arrival, 7pm we'll start the film
📍 Innovation Centre 1 building, Keele University, ST5 5NB,
Staffordshire, United Kingdom.
🌐 Latitude: 53.003668 Longitude: -2.269742
*Directions: *
We're based on Keele Science Park in the building marked as simply 'IC'
on the side (so not IC2, IC3, etc...).
🚗 For parking you must use the the spaces marked 'Internet Central' in
the lower and rear car park behind the building (see this image
🚪 Ring the door bell next to the door with the big 'Internet Central'
sign next to it, at the rear of the building.
*Although it's not required, it would be useful for numbers if we know
you're coming, so either... *
1) reply to this message
2) e-mail us privately on our e-mail address on info(a)
3) RSVP via Meetup, Facebook, or whatever other godforsaken social media
thingy we've put this on
Steven Maddox
1 year, 11 months