Fw: [Shropshire] March End Of Month 25/03/21 An Introduction to the Tcl scripting language.
by John Alexander
Playing with Strings
An Introduction to the Tcl scripting language.
Session Objectives
Provide a tongue-tip experience of what it's like to work with Tcl.
Generate interest in using Tcl/Tk for rapid implementation of task based applications.
Activities. examine:
How strings can be manipulated differently by different commands.
How easy Tcl is to read - the natural scripting extension to C.
How simple it is to create advanced commands.
How to use namespaces.
How to create a real world example with Gtk+ compliant front end.
William J Giddings
Phd Theology, King's College London
Semi-Retired: Academic Research, Translation Canonical Texts
Last post: College Lecturer and Awards Body Moderator.
Late 1980 - 2000, Television Graphics Production and Training
First 'Real Computer', 1982 ACT Sirius, aka Victor 9000
Linux User since 1990s, First installation was Slackware.
Now using UBUNTU 20.04.1 with MATE 1.24.0
Started using C to create procedurally built geometric models and animation scripts for 3d animation systems (Spaceward Matisse).
Long time interest in Computational Linguistics.
Built my first translation engine on an Amiga 1200, early 1990s.
Develop tools using C, Tcl and Gtk+.
3 years, 10 months