I'll be free, see you there...
By the way the link is this for anyone else joining!
Steven Maddox
On 21/12/2020 17:25, Richard Bateman via StaffsLUG Meetings wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope this email finds you all well.
> Just as an FYI we will be having an end-of-year catch up on the 29th
> of December at 19:00.
> Nothing formal, just a place to catch up with the group and to go over
> any ideas that people may have for future meetings.
> As Steve has said in his message on the Discord group, this will be
> held via a self-hosted video conference service (powered by Jitsi for
> those of you already curious).
> If it works well we'll look at moving our workshops online until the
> COVID crisis is over. If it works really well, we'll even look at
> running them both in person and also online for those that cannot make
> the meetings.
> As for the first meeting of 2021, please let us know if there is a
> topic you'd like covering else I'm sure we'll come up with something
> I hope to see you all soon!
> Richard Bateman
> Staffs LUG Master
> PS (Apologies if this comes through to you twice, I though it best to
> send it the general and meetings mailing list as it covers both areas
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